Over the past few weeks we have worked on the electrical system and the motor mount and are nearing the end on both. We went to a workshop where we assembled all of the components for the system. We were able to assemble it and get it to run but not consistently, often having to 'gun' the throttle in order to get the motor to start spinning.
The motors we are using are upwards of $1000 and we did not have that enough to replace it. However, when we were talking to some other people, they suggested we test the throttle potentiometer and switch, as well as potentially the solenoid and even the speed controller. They believed that the problem was probably because of a faulty switch in the throttle. When we got back to the school, we were able to test the parts and when we bypassed the switch it worked perfectly. Instead of a $1300 repair, it turned into a $10 switch repair.
The motor mount is almost in place as well. We are just waiting to finish mounting it so that we can mount both the motor mount and log at the same time so that they line up perfectly. We also have mounted the rudder tube in place.
We also applied a final coat of epoxy to the underside of the boat. We used squeegees to apply the epoxy so as to have a thin, smooth coat across the boat.